Siirry sisältöön

In English


The museum is situated in the old blast furnace building right beside the rapids (now dammed and diverted to produce hydro electricity) and is in the centre of the old foundry milieu.

The museum is open during the summer season and at other times according to arrangement. It is possible to have a guided tour of the museums, the foundry milieu and further round Juankoski. A guided walking tour of the foundry area is organised once a week in July.

Open  16.6. – 16.8.2015
MON closed
TUE-FRI    11.00-17.00
SAT-SUN  12.00-16.00


Adult 3,50 €, retired, students 2,50 €, children 5-12 v. 1,00 € and family 7,00 €

Guided walkingtours:
Every Thursday at 17.00 from Masuuni Brunou.
Adult 5,00 €, retired, students 3,50 €, children 2,00 €
Ticket consists guiding in the old mileu and also the museum.

Guided tours for groups
In the old milieu walking or by bus  50 €/h

The Juankoski Heritage Society was founded in 1990 to safeguard the cultural and historical heritage of the area. The museum was opened in 1991 and has displays relating to products of the foundry, local history and the lives of local.

Juankoski Heritage Society presentation and historyAvautuu uuteen ikkunaan (PDF)


Juankoski Heritage Society and
a factory and workers museum
Masuuni Brunou
Juankoskentie 7
73500 Juankoski

tel. +35844 061 2055

Marja-Sisko Pihl, chairperson
+358400 567 257

Terttu Turpeinen, secretary
+35844 590 3800